“You just knocked it out of the park, had a 44-point game, showed Level 5 leadership, all those superlatives! The participants are still on a high from the staff retreat. We so appreciate your leadership and who you are in all your giftedness and being available to us. “
— Rev. Bill Gattis
District Superintendent, United Methodist Church
“Carlin has the ability to incorporate client needs with timely tools in a way that helps them accelerate their game. She is an amazing trainer with a heart for people and keen insight into helping people and organizations grow. She has been a dear friend to me for many years and is one of the most faithful, intelligent, hardworking people I know. You will be blessed to know her, learn from her, and be in her presence, as I have.”
— Laurie Beth Jones
author Jesus CEO, The Path, Jesus Life Coach, The Four Elements of Success
“I am aware once again of Carlin’s great gifts and skill in pulling a group’s work into focus. Thank you for shifting with the chaos of the gathering, for listening so well to the group, and for reflecting back to us where we wanted to go.”
— Rev. Hope Morgan Ward
Bishop, United Methodist Church
“Inspiring!!! This course has made me more aware of what matters and what I need to do to lead a fulfilling and satisfying life. Thank you.”
— A. Schulz
FOCUS workshop participant
“I am convinced you will have impact on people’s lives that we will never know. Many people struggle all their lives and rarely do anything significant for humankind. I hope you understand that you are doing something significant.
I don’t thank you often enough for what you do but I just wanted to do that now. This is really good stuff. Thanks.”
— Tom Campbell
producer and moderator, NCSPIN
“You are terrific! What a blessing you have been and continue to be as you guide and facilitate the vision team on its journey to discern our future. Your patience, your gentle and loving nature, your willingness to let the group dynamics unfold, your constant encouragement and above all, your faith, have all been an inspiration to the team. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
The light is beginning to shine through the cracks” and it is truly a bright and guiding light!”
— Sam Lewis
chairperson of vision discernment team
“I am recommending the course to my colleagues at work, and want to strongly express my high regard for Carlin Johnson. She did an excellent job of facilitating the course, treating everyone with respect and valuing all our opinions.”
—M. Lombard
7 Habits workshop participant, GlaxoSmithKline
“Thank you so much for an energizing and clarifying workshop. In researching and retrieving all of the clues from my past and identifying my present passions, I can now see how a common thread of purpose has been woven throughout my life. My mission is to envision, embrace and inspire unity. Throughout my life I have been drawn to and been active in endeavors that blend the unique efforts of various team members in serving a purpose that is greater than themselves. Thank you for illuminating this in my life!”
—L. Cline
The Path workshop participant
“I know this process has been a labor of love for you. I can tell that you have been in the trenches with us emotionally. We needed your gifts to help break down our walls of self-serving beliefs and behaviors. You helped us produce something important! Thanks for taking this road with
—Bob J.
Member of vision discernment team
“Carlin, you were especially inspirational for me as you would reflect and share your own experiences in making these 7 Habits work to help improve your life. It was a comfort for me to hear that you still find challenges in applying these habits, yet remain enthusiastic and hopeful for better things. You were so positive and truly committed to what you were teaching. You accepted that the 7 Habits are not necessarily practiced or even present in our company, but strived to make us look to ourselves to make things better for everyone.”
—C. Imburgia
7 Habits workshop participant
“There have been many courses over the years offered by our company that I have taken advantage of, however no other workshop has affected me as 7 Habits has. This course gives you so much to use in all facets of your life. Carlin Johnson is very personable, was well prepared, knowledgeable, spiritual, and highly effective. I have recommended this workshop and will continue, to all who will listen. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Carlin. As you so aptly put it, I plan to be a person that exhibits the skills of not just an effective person, but a “highly” effective person for the duration.”
—B. V. Gailliard
7 Habits workshop participant